Ilda Martínez
Ilda Martinez is the Program Manager at the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association. She oversees the fulfillment of projects and supports in research partnerships. She is a Gates Millenium Scholar and a recent graduate of the International Education Program at The George Washington University (GWU). She was previously a Cisneros Graduate Fellow for the Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute at GWU where she worked as a Student Support Assistant. She received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Communication at the University of South Florida and served on the board of the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) during her undergraduate years and later joined them as a Family Support Worker.
Ilda first joined NMSHSA as an intern in 2015 working in the Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education where she advocated for Head Start families. As a current alumna of the NMSHSA internship program and a former RCMA child herself, she is passionate and excited to contribute to further advancing and serving the migrant community.