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Internship Blogs

Young leaders demonstrate higher career aspirations, increased self-esteem, and improved educational completion rates — resulting in increased civic engagement and positive impact on their communities. The NMSHSA Internship Program provides opportunities for advocacy, event- planning, public speaking, and project management.

Want to read more about our internship? Read our blogs.


A Gold Cage is Still a Cage

Blog Author(s)
Author: Deida Cortez – Class of 2023
Publish Date

In the US we use the term “Freedom” to define American values and the creation of this country. We are known as the “land of the free”, every original document such as the constitution, bill of rights and declaration of independence was written to provide said freedoms. Freedom to me looks a little different. 

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    Deida standing in front of Lincoln statue.

Land of the Free

Blog Author(s)
Author: Hailey Caudillo – Class of 2023
Publish Date

Living in D.C. has given me the opportunity to reflect on my parent’s American dream and how I am a product of their love and hope. I want to contribute more to this world in order to honor the freedom that they have given me.

Freedom is to Live

Blog Author(s)
Author: Jacqueline Aguilar – Class of 2023
Publish Date

Freedom can be defined differently by everyone. In a way, freedom is what makes you feel the most alive. Freedom is what you seek while living life, as a human being free makes you feel alive. Working countless hours isnt feeling alive, having to fight for your life isnt feeling alive. So go ahead, and find your freedom living and loving life.

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    Intern Jacqueline standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Making and Seeing a Difference: My Journey with UFW Begins

Blog Author(s)
Author: Elvis Rodríguez– Class of 2023
Publish Date

I am honored to be given this opportunity and I know this organization will further enhance my professional development skills.  This organization embodies many of the goals and values I hold dear, and I am excited to contribute to an organization that strives for a better future for farmworkers and their communities.